So sorry to those who go to my blog to check and see if I have updated and I have not. I started thinking about it and was wondering why myself. I think part of it is that I am not very efficient with the process, but I think the biggest thing is that I am not very good at it, not that it is a competition or anything, it is just that I am not that interesting according to me. I usually don't have anything profound to say or ramblings that are hilarious. I need to just post sometimes just to do it, but I am lazy in effort or I don't feel it important enough or if I do have some thought or fun thing my child said or something I just either forget about it too quickly or i don't know!!! Blah Blah Blah I know. Anyway, I do appreciate the postings of those I care about and continue to check blogs periodically. I still haven't gotten into the craze of facebook either, I look through facebook posts often but don't often make random comments for whatever reason. So, whenever anyone can figure me out and get me socially network savvy it may be a good day!! Good luck!!