Wow the imaginations and the amount of things and concepts learned at 3 is amazing. So the other day Briley and I are at home hanging out and Briley wants me to play with her as always. I was rearranging furniture as was Briley and then after rearranging the furniture to look like table and chairs, she says to me "You be the boy and I be the girl k! You sit over there and you think I am pretty" then she proceeds to act out her girl part very well with the ol i am acting shy and i know you are looking at me pose, so i proceed to play a long and she proceeds to have this pretend vision of playing like we are out to dinner on a date or something and is talking to the pretend waiter and flirting and pretending the girl on a date part so well. It was so hilarious i can not even tell how fun it is to be a mom and watch as these little beings of ours start to figure it all out and put their little spin on life as we know it.
And Carson is just getting so smart and really starting to ask good valid questions about things. Like today, we went to our in-law's ward for church for cousin Dexter's blessing. On our way there we tell the kids we are staying for all of the church meetings. Carson then asks if they teach the same thing and if it is just like our church. It was a great teaching opportunity for us as parents. We informed him that is is exactly the same just different people and all that jazz. It was good!
I love being a parent, and though my patience is tried and my ability to teach these kids is challenged daily, they bring so much joy to the ride that it just wouldn't be as good without them! So grateful for my wonderful eternal family!
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